1. Open your image and continue below. Hit Ctrl+Shift+N to make a new layer, and hit D to reset colours. Go to Filter>Render>Clouds. Then go to Filter>Noise>Add Noise.
Amount: 400
Distribution: Gaussian
Monochromatic; Yes.
Filter>Blur>Motion Blur Settings:
Angle: 45
Distance: 14 pixels
Set blending mode of this layer to screen and Opacity to 50%. Repeat this 3 more times so that you have 4 layers of rain.
2. You are now ready to create animation, so go to File>>Edit In ImageReady.
3. Once in ImageReady, make sure that you can see the Animation Window. If you dont see it, go to Window>Animation. Now in the Animation window duplicate the frame 3 times, so that you have 4 frames. Select the first frame of your animation, and make the first layer of rain visible by clicking on the eye next to the layer channel. Make sure that the first frame sees only the first layer of rain. Select the second frame of your animation and make sure that it only sees the second layer of rain. Continue doing this to the 3rd and 4th frames of the animation, making sure that the 3rd frame only sees the 3rd layer of rain and the 4th frame only sees the 4th layer of rain.
5. Set the frame delay of all layers to 0,1 seconds.
4. Now save it, by going to File>Save Optimized As. Leave everything deafult, but make sure you save it under gif format!
Working !!! 100% Tested.
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