Grand Opening 29.10.2011 Welcome:)
SoulMu MuOnline is new MuOnline project for ELITE players! We have created an PERFECT GamePlay server for YOU! Server has hard type configuration. Here is some info:
Overal Rates:
Website: 220x
Drop: 40%
Version: Season 4 epiz2+ New 255 items
PK Ring in Lorencia
Spots: Normal
Shops: Starter level
Points per Level: 5/6/7 + 1
Master level exp/points = 250/1
Max stats =65535
Grand reset Need 70 resets=get item+All
3D camera
Vote Reward!!
Market in website
3rd Class = On
Res limit = 99999
Happy Hour = +20 exp
Guild CREATE from 2 res 350 lvl
Party exp:
NormalParty2Exp = 180
NormalParty3Exp = 280
NormalParty4Exp = 450
NormalParty5Exp = 600
SetParty3Exp = 350
SetParty4Exp = 500
SetParty5Exp = 800
It is like Normal(2) = (180% of 100x)/2 = exp for you.
2. Jewels:
Soul - luck - 70 %
Soul + luck - 90%
Life - 90%
3. Chaos mashine:
+10 = 80%
+11. +12 = 70%
+13 = 50%
Luck = +10%
4. Wings:
1. lvl = 90%
2. lvl = 70%
3. lvl = 30%
Condor = 50%
Admin skype:mubeast
soulmu@inbox.lvAll other rates are default.
Dont forget to invite your friends, vote for server every 12 hours and enjoy your game with us!