Make sure you do everything exactly the same as i show you them, such as the spaces. E.g. login_ip: (There are no spaces in them) but such as // bind_ip: and login_port: 6900 (There are spaces in between // bind and port: 6900)
Turn off firewall from any firewall software.
The main firewall you should turn off is at: Start/My Control Panel/Network Connection/1394 Connection (Right Click and Property)/Advanced. Uncheck the "Internet Connection Firewall" (Protect my computer and network by limiting or preventing access to this computer from the internet)
1. You need to find your wan-ip, lan-ip and subnetmask. These can be found at:
www.whatismyip.comLan-IP and Subnetmask- Start/run/cmd. And type in ipconfig
Get a piece of paper and write those infomation down.
2. Go to your eAthena folder, and go to the conf folder. Open up char_athena first and enter the following IP's:
// Login Server IP
login_ip: <--- YOUR "LAN IP"
// Login Server Port
login_port: 6900
// Character Server IP
char_ip: <--- YOUR "WAN IP"
// Character Server Port
char_port: 6121
Everything is the same as above. The bind_ip:, disable them by putting // at the front. Like this:
// bind_ip:
3. Open up ladmin_athena and enter the following ip:
[RC5] and [SVN]
// Login Server IP
login_ip: <--- YOUR "LAN IP"
// Login Server Port
login_port: 6900
4. Open up login_athena and enter the follow ips:
Don't do anything, just make sure the login_port is 6900 (login_port: 6900)
// Login Server IP
login_ip: <--- YOUR "LAN IP"
// Login Server Port
login_port: 6900
The bind_ip do no touch. (// bind_ip:
5. Open up map_athena and enter the following ips:
// Character Server IP
char_ip: <--- YOUR "LAN IP"
// Character Server Port
char_port: 6121
// Map Server IP
map_ip: <--- YOUR "WAN IP"
// Map Server Port
map_port: 5121
Same as above, just the bind_ip, leave as normal (// bind_ip:
6. Open up lan_support and enter the following ips: (THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT AS NOT ALL GUIDES ARE RIGHT)
// put here the LAN IP of your char-server
lan_char_ip: <--- YOUR "LAN IP"
// put here the LAN IP of your map-server
lan_map_ip: <--- YOUR "LAN IP"
// put here the Subnet mask of your LAN
subnet: <--- THIS IS IMPORTANT, IT IS YOUR "LAN IP" BUT THE LAST DIGIT IS THE NUMBER OF THE LAST NUMBER OF THE SUBNETMASK. (E.g. If your ip is 123.456.7.8 and your subnetmask is then your subnet would be 123.456.7.0)
subnetmask: <--- YOUR "SUBNETMASK"
7. Now all your conf files are finished, its now fowarding your ports in your router configuration page.
Everyone's router is different, but i can give you a links that may work for you. The links are:
http://(YOUR WAN IP)
http://routerlogin.netUsually they provide with a username and password, and those vary too, but the common ones are:
User: admin
Pass: password
User: admin
Pass: admin
User: admin
Pass: (Blank)
User: admin
Pass: pass
Once you get into your router configuration page, either on top of on the right, there should be a link saying port fowarding. After accessing into this page, create a new service each one named char, map and login.
For login, foward ports FROM 6900-6900, which means start port-6900 and end port-6900 and server ip address is your "LAN IP"
For char, foward ports FROM 5121-5121. which means start port-5121 and end port-5121 and server ip address is your "LAN IP"
For map, fowards ports FROM 6121-6121. which means start port-6121 and end port-6121 and server ip address is your "LAN IP"
Now you are pretty much done with the configurations. All you need is an sclientinfo. After getting ahold of one, or there should be one in your data folder which can be found in your ragnarok folder, right click it, edit and enter the following:
[For you to access your server]
Server's Name
Server's Description
[For other players to access your server]
Server's Name
Server's Description